Monday, February 22, 2016

Relief Part 2

I like the shapes I was able to create and how detailed yet simple the cardboard piece came out. Next time I would like to focus more on the glaze and getting everything even and perfect. I hadn't used glaze before I did my tile, so it turned out a lot worse than I expected it to look. I originally planned to do a mask for my final piece, but the proportions were off and there was too much detail for such a small piece. I then got the idea to do a flat duck/chick, as before I had wanted to do a little bowl but couldn't. I tried to make my duck design simpler and larger so I could achieve more details if I wanted to. The tile definitely helped me in deciding how to go about my main piece because I was able to learn from my glazing mistakes and issues with proportion. The cardboard not so much, but it was fun and I liked it. I had issues with the eyes and eyebrows of my duck and how to create them. I initially tried carving the eyes out, but it was creepy and difficult. I also did the eyebrows and then decided I didn't want them. Of course, I changed my mind and had a hard time getting them the way I wanted them in size, thickness, placement, etc. One of his wings also fell off before being fired, so I had to glue it back on after glaze. 

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