Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Parachute Installation

I plastered a balloon and then painted it with acrylic paint. I then attached a small ceramic cup to the end of the parachute with some heads to hold it in place. I wish my parachute hadn't been so ugly, and I also wish we would have all put people on the ends of our parachutes for more uniformity. I thought the idea with the parachutes was cute. I don't think the final product was very successful. It looked very thrown together as a whole, and it wasn't neat. I think having more time to come up with ideas and places to put the installation would've been better, and having more uniformity among the parachutes. My parachute fell and got sorta smashed. 

Empty Bowl Project

All of my bowls are clay and were made on the wheel. They turned out pretty good (the pink one is my favorite!) and I love the wheel! I can't wait to take more classes in college. 

Unconventional materials

I had piano wires and I used it to make this girl's hair. I actually didn't overcome the obstacle of using this material, because it was really difficult and weird. Looking back, I probably could've made a tree or something, but I could not get it to work with the 2D piece I wanted. I tried attaching the hair with clue directly on the paper, then I tried applying it ok a different paper and it would not stick. The most successful part of this piece is the drawing because that's where I'm most comfortable. Next time, I would use the wire to make a 3D sculpture like a tree or a nest where messy or unkempt isn't a bad thing. I would have let us choose our own materials, because finding something to make with a material you are uncomfortable with is hard, especially when a lot of materials are more difficult than others. 

Mine and Lilian's Sparkle Illustration Friday

