Thursday, October 29, 2015

Post Modern Principles Project

I chose appropriation for my principle and recreated a "self portrait" I did from elementary school. I didn't try to make it accurate, I just wanted to get the gist of the piece. I chose this because 1) I needed something to do, and 2) I found this picture when I was cleaning my room and thought it was really funny. I liked the idea of remaking something that I already did and thought this would be a good piece. I don't like the way it turned out, but it was already done so I went with it. 

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

The Best Art Supply Store Doesn't Sell Art Supplies

I agree that some of the best art supplies can be found in places like hardware stores. There are plenty of great non-traditional supplies to use, but I also think that the best pieces come from using both non-traditional and traditional media. Things like paint can be difficult to replicate, and when combined with more creative supplies like rice, trash, or Cheetos can make a really awesome and creative piece.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Post Modern Principles

Reading the article by Olivia Gude, I agree with a lot of what she's saying. There is a disconnect between what we learn and the projects we do because most of the lessons are focused around warm ups. When we learn techniques or principles, we practice them in our sketchbooks before moving onto our projects about essential questions, adjectives and what have you. Up until this year, I don't think I ever really learned the principles of art and things like that (which I don't necessarily think is a bad thing), but I think that we should apply what we're being taught to out projects. 

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Can light create darkness?

My essential question for this project was if light can create darkness. I chose this because 1) I couldn't think of anything better, 2) because I like the idea/challenge of capturing light in a painting, and 3) because I wanted to combine the ideas of cold, loneliness and light. (My original question was about cold.) I found a picture of a street lamp on the side if a building for inspiration and decided that besides tweaking a few things, I would use that picture. I ended up changing my mind after doing the back ground, and decided to just do a single light bulb. I like the way it turned out, and I think it's one of my favorite pieces that I've done. 

Original reference picture:

Final product: